The band has formed in 2013, have been on stage and have only sold physical copies of their CDs so far.
„I want songs that touch my heart,
lead my thoughts down meaningful paths,
that strengthen us and make us laugh.
Because our life is a struggle, that’s why we want to sing“
original German Lyrics:
„Ich will Lieder die mein Herz berühren,
meine Gedanken auf sinnvolle Pfade führen,
die uns stärken und zum Lachen bringen.
Denn unser Leben ist Kampf, darum wollen wir singen“
These song lines are a fitting description of the Cologne-based band GehörWäsche.
As automotive workers and trade unionists, Ulja and Niko Held sing about the problems on the assembly line and in the warehouse. GehörWäsche takes a position, takes a stand and at the same time retains an eye for the finer things. „Freedom“ and „Communist“ – are song titles and lived ideals.
With M.C. Augusto Stahlke a.k.a. AugiTropics on drums/cajon and Jonas Bareiter on bass, they combine rhythm, catchy melodies and meaningful lyrics to form danceable music. A wash for the ears in the best sense of the word.