When you go around busking (= Street Art Music Performance) through different Cities & Country’s you learn the character of each place. The first experience in Lissabon Portugal: if you need something to smoke or take a line -> don’t worry. I never visited a place with dealers offering Drugs so obviously, pinnetrant & without any fear to get catched by police. Maybe it is our appearance -> dirty crazy Musicians
Playing music in the old town is awesome. Huge crowds in the street were celebrating us (Las Bombas) at night at 02:00.
Playing in the shopping Street of Lissabon during daytime is also nice, but more Quiet and different Singing Style with the audience. Most of the people seams not to be drunk 😮
Portugal is a nice country to busk. As more rich the Tourist & Cities are as more Problems you get to play without any Permission. For example: Lagos & Albufeira
2nd Curious Thing: I liked the Pigeons cleaning the dishes after a client leaves his table. I had to shot this curious Moment.